Preventative Maintenance  For Automated Entry

Are you aware of the reasons for Maintaining and Serving your Automatic Doors?

Preventative maintenance is maintenance that is regularly performed on your automatic or manual sliding or swinging door/s to lessen the likelihood of it failing.

Preventative maintenance is performed while your door is still working, so that it does not break down unexpectedly risking your property security, potentially causing injury and saving money from major repairs

Preventative maintenance is planned so that any required resources are available. If Automatic doors are not regularly maintained they may become Unsafe for Pedestrians

Small problems can become Big problems if not caught in time.

The Australian Standard for Powered doors for pedestrian access and egress 

Are you aware that the following Australian Standards apply to your entrance?

AS 5007 – 5.1.3 Inspection

E2.1 The automatic door assembly shall be inspected and maintained in accordance with the relevant procedures given in this Standard and with the relevant manufacturers recommendations.

E2.2 The frequency of inspection and maintenance shall be in accordance with the manufacturers instructions but shall not be at intervals greater than 4 months.

AS 5007 – 3.5.1 Door Signage

Changes have been made to automatic door labels to help aid visually impaired pedestrians.

Labels must have a blue background with white arrows and text. The blue area of the label must be 150mm x 75mm high and shall not include any other text within the arrow.

All signage must be visible from the side facing the user at 1200mm – 1600mm above the finished floor level and as near as practical to the main closing edge of the door and not be obscured by the glass.

Think SAFETY First